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Honestly speaking, there are probably more than 1,000 reasons why you should work with NowSkills, but we understand how tiring it could be to read paragraph after paragraph. Hence why we have kindly put together the top 10 reasons why you should work with NowSkills.
We are completely free and here to help support our Apprentices and employers from start to finish, we do everything for you and make sure we both see the finish line together.
We’re only IT Specialised; everyone at NowSkills is fully focused on IT and know what we’re talking about when it comes to IT. Our team of trainers and assessors are fully qualified with many years of experience within the IT industry. They provide our Apprentices with high-quality training to ensure successful outcomes, hence why you should work with NowSkills.
NowSkills are only based in the North West; we know how to find you great talent locally.NowSkills receive 400+ applications a month and carefully screen our learners, finding out their location and career interests in order to perfectly match the right candidate to your business for no charge.
When it comes to Apprenticeships, we are experts and know what we are doing. If you have any queries, we can help, whether it be about Apprenticeship funding rules or the Apprenticeship program itself.
We help apprentices gain the skills needed for your company and support young learners throughout their apprenticeship which is clearly shown with our high success rate of 94%.
The brands include Ucertify, LinkedIn Learning, OneFile and we are regulated by the ESFA!
We deliver a blend of 1:1 coaching sessions, classroom workshops, and e-learning. We care about quality. NowSkills believes that hands-on learning helps Apprentices to build their confidence and experience in.
We encourage the use of public transport for both NowSkills staff and our Apprentices which is more sustainable for the environment and more cost-effective! Additionally, we promote discounted public transport passes to our Apprentices.
This Award’s mission states that they recognise the importance of social value. This links to the values of our own organisation and the work we do with other businesses. We work together with businesses to grow and progress the development of local skills and jobs. We positively influence the impact volunteers to make in communities and lead by example. NowSkills helps guide the quality and amount of socially responsible decisions businesses make to positively impact their community.
Take a look at our level 3 and level 4 apprenticeship videos>>
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