This year, the National Apprenticeship Services theme is ‘Look Beyond’. It is celebrating the values and diversity apprenticeship brings to apprentices, employers and communities across England.

This year, we are calling out all the young people who chose to Look Beyond the traditional routes into employment and allowed themselves to explore the diversity of career options available.

This year, we are calling out all the employers who chose to Look Beyond the traditional route of hiring and looked at the values employing apprentices bring to diversifying their workforce.

Finally, this year, we are calling out all the parents and teachers who chose to Look Beyond old misconceptions of apprenticeships, helping to build and spread a better understanding of the real and true values apprenticeships bring.

We believe in success stories

NowSkills believes and values in success stories and support our apprentices 100%, whether that is with their funding or their training. We have amazing young learners who are ready to kick start their Digital journey!

newsletterTo find out more, please do get in touch, we’d be happy to help!

We are ready to help support your business to grow further by hiring Digital Apprentices, for more information do not hesitate to contact NowSkills.

So this year we celebrate you for choosing to Look Beyond.

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