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Thank you for registering for an apprenticeship!

Congratulations on taking the first step in your apprenticeship journey.

Please check your inbox for a confirmation email which will be sent shortly & follow our social media channels to keep up to date with the latest news, apprenticeship job vacancies and webinar announcements.

The NowSkills Expert Series

Whilst you await the next steps in your apprenticeship journey, we don’t want you to stand still. Using your initiative and showing an eagerness and desire to learn is something every employer looks for.

With this in mind, we would like to introduce you to the NowSkills Expert Series.

Our live virtual webinar series explores a series of hot topics within the digital & business world. All of the webinars in the series are free to end and are hosted live virtual via Zoom. Every instalment welcomes a new expert, and each come with an affirmed professional pedigree, ready to provide robust, real-world insight that they have gained from first-hand experience.