Complaints procedure

Dissatisfied? Let us know


Dissatisfied? Let us know


Complaint procedure

NowSkills welcomes feedback and comments about our performance. We are committed to undertaking a full investigation of any incident in a fair and objective manner and will take appropriate action following the complication of an investigation into any event or the actions of any individual.

The complaints procedure covers complaints made by any person about any matter connected with the provision of training services by NowSkills. The aims of this procedure are to settle any complaints in a fair and reasonable manner.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal to our Executive Committee. However, you must first log your complaint using the NowSkills complaints form and allow the NowSkills team 10 days to respond to your complaint and make contact with you with a view to a resolution.

Should you make a complaint?

If you are unhappy with the service you have received, you are entitled to make a complaint, have it considered, and receive a response from NowSkills.

Who can complain?

A complaint can be made by any person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of NowSkills. A complaint can also be made by someone acting on behalf of the person, with their consent.

Grounds for complaints

Learners or Employers might complain about a number of grounds including, for example:

  • The conduct of the Trainer or other employees
  • The quality of the training material
  • The quality of the training facilities
  • Grant funding delays
  • Learner Support

What is the time limit for making a complaint?

You should normally complain as soon as possible and not later than one month after the event(s) concerned or within one month of becoming aware that you have something to complain about. All complaints will be dealt with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The length of the period will vary with the gravity and complexity of the complaint and the urgency in which it needs to be settled. However, the intention is that all complaints should be settled within a period which is reasonable in all circumstances.

To whom should I complain intitally?

Your complaint should be made in the first instance to the trainer/employee providing the service with the aim of resolving complaints quickly and as close to the source of the complaint as possible, using the most appropriate means; for example, use of mentoring.

The Trainer may be able to resolve your concerns without the need to make a more formal complaint.

I want to complain to someone else other than my usual contact

If you do want to continue with your complaint you can do this through the formal procedure in writing to, these messages are received by our Senior Leadership Team. You will receive a response from NowSkills within 10 working days.

Your complaint will be dealt with under the following principles:

  • Natural justice
  • Fairness
  • Independence
  • Objectivity
  • Equal Opportunities
  • Consideration of special needs

What if I am not happy with the outcome or want to complain further?

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint or how it was dealt with or you want to appeal the decision of your complaint, then you can email our separate Executive Committee, which operates independently of the NowSkills Senior Leadership Team. You will receive a response from from our Executive Committee within 20 working days.

The Executive Committee will review your complaint with the objective of securing an independent, fair and reasonable outcome for you.

Please Note: You must log your initial complaint using the complaint procedure before escalating it to the Executive Committee.

Complaints to the Education & Skills Funding Agency

Before making a complaint to ESFA about any post-16 training provider the ESFA funds, you should have exhausted the provider’s own complaints procedure, including any appeals process.

You can read more here.