English & Maths in apprenticeships

NowSkills is committed to development of English and Maths


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English and Maths in Apprenticeships

GCSE English and Maths (or a Level 2 Functional Skills) are important qualifications which are required in order to kick start your IT Apprenticeship with NowSkills.

English and Maths skills are such a fundamental part of everyday life. They help us engage with others in a casual or professional environment and help us to manage and calculate everyday tasks such as money and time.

english and maths

What can NowSkills do?

The acceptance of your proposal will allow NowSkills to benefit from the excellent interactive educational assessments and resources for English and Maths All designed to meet the Functional Skills and GCSE Criteria, developed by subject matter experts.

As part of your package you will have access to:

  • Functional Skills initial assessments & diagnostics in English, maths and ICT
  • Full resources for Functional Skills from Entry Level 1 through to Level 2
  • Individual Skills Plans for all learners who complete a diagnostic with all their required resources
  • Distance Travelled assessments to show progress for ALL learners
  • Learning Styles and PLTS assessments with a full suite of learner reports
  • Learner access to the SkillsGo mobile App. (IOS & Android)

What to do next!

Are you a school leaver looking for what to do next? College isn’t for everyone, and might not be the right path for you. That’s where we come in. NowSkills can help you gain more qualifications, industry experience and training from vendor certified trainers.

We specialise in IT Apprenticeships and cover numerous Level 3 and Level 4  Apprenticeships. So, are you ready to kickstart your IT career, register with us now!