Apprenticeships can be complex. You are likely to have questions about how apprenticeships work. For example, What are the costs? What if my apprentice leaves? Will an apprentice take up too much of my time? Is there a lot of paperwork for me to do? – these are all frequent questions from employers who are interested in apprenticeships.
At NowSkills, we’re here to support new and experienced apprenticeship employers to make their apprenticeships work. We’ll help you with recruitment or eligibility checking, we’ll help with interviewing and support you with induction and progressing your apprentice.
+ Apprenticeships can be complex. You are likely to have questions about how apprenticeships work. For example, What are the costs? What if my apprentice leaves? Will an apprentice take up too much of my time? Is there a lot of paperwork for me to do? – these are all frequent questions from employers who are interested in apprenticeships.
+ Aiming for Successful outcomes. At NowSkills, we know that when an apprenticeship works, there are real benefits for both the apprentice and the employer.
+ We’ve been delivering IT apprenticeships since 2013, so we’ve had time to refine our processes and now we’re able to support employers to create an environment that means your apprenticeship strategy is more likely to be successful. NowSkills only delivers digital apprenticeships, so we’re different from colleges and “we do everything” type private providers in that we focus on one area, digital, to make sure we’re delivering the very best in that sector.
+ An apprenticeship is a partnership between an employer, an apprentice, and an official training organisation, such as NowSkills. The employer identifies a vacancy for either, a new apprentice hire, or an existing employee to enrol on an apprenticeship. NowSkills, for no added fee, will either a) eligibility check the existing employee or b) introduce potential applicants for the employer to interview for the new role.
1) The employer should prepare a written job description for the role and it should match the apprenticeship standard, for example, an Infrastructure Technician apprentice needs to complete a portfolio of evidence based on their work, therefore, if the role is not in infrastructure, the apprentice will fail End Point Assessment.
2) The apprentice needs a mentor within the business. A person who is experienced in the apprenticeship area and provides guidance and tasks that will enable the apprentices to gain relevant experience and engage in the role. The mentor is not necessarily a line manager but is someone who is competent and able to support the apprentice, especially in the early day of the apprenticeship.
At NowSkills we’re here to support employers, for example, with job descriptions and briefing mentors on what is expected from them. Please contact our Employer Engagement Team on 0345 556 4170 or complete the form below to begin.
We are proud to work with leading employers:
1) Identify a need for the apprenticeship. Do you have a skills gap where a new hire apprentice could work? Or do you have existing employees who you could enrol in an apprenticeship?
2) Write a job description and identify a mentor. The job description should match the apprenticeship standard and the mentor should have sufficient experience to be able to support the apprentices and give feedback during monthly review sessions.
3) Check your employer account status. You will be accessing a government service, so you will need a Digital Apprenticeship Service account, for information on how to set one up, please follow this link: Digital Apprenticeship Service.
4) Identify & start your apprentice. You may have an existing employee for the role, or if you need a new hire, then NowSkills receives over 400 applications every month and our teams can support you with our no-fee recruitment service. We can support you with interviews, eligibility checking, and support to ensure your apprentice has the very best chance of success.
5) Continual support and training. Apprentices must spend at least 20% of their time on off-the-job training, and NowSkills’ programmes are designed to both deliver this requirement whilst at the same time ensuring your apprentice is able to carry out their day-to-day work.
6) Success and completion. During the apprenticeship journey, your apprentice will attend classroom training (physical and virtual available), attend monthly 1:1 tutor sessions, take and pass the examination, and prepare for the final End Point Assessment, which marks the end of the apprenticeship, but the beginning of a meaningful and rewarding career. NowSkills will guide you and your apprentices every step of the way.
7) After the apprenticeship. 95% of NowSkills employers retain their digital apprentices because it makes good business sense. However, you and your apprentice may have different plans, therefore, as with all employees, it is advisable for employers and apprentices to communicate with each other about their future intentions. NowSkills offers continuous career guidance throughout the apprenticeships.
Still, got questions? Try searching our knowledge base here.
We are proud to work with leading employers:
At NowSkills, we’re here to support employers. Please contact our Employer Engagement Team using one of the following methods:
Phone: 0345 556 4170 or complete our contact form here.
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