Leisure Apprenticeships | Supporting the leisure industry with digital apprenticeships

Supporting the leisure industry, with apprenticeships in:


Supporting the leisure industry, with apprenticeships in:


Supporting the leisure industry with digital apprenticeships

NowSkills is proud to work alongside leading leisure industry employers. Whilst we don’t offer specialist leisure apprenticeships, our range of digital apprenticeships deliver positive new attitudes, skills and behaviours to the leisure industry and its ambitious organisations.

We believe that the best forward-thinking leisure organisations, who have already committed to leisure apprenticeships to boost their organisational talent, can benefit from working in partnership with a specialist digital apprenticeship provider such as NowSkills, who can teach the latest digital skills, tools and techniques to ambitious digital apprentices who are keen to build a career in the leisure industry.

As the leisure industry adapts to global digital and technological transformation, IT and digital apprenticeships can now play a key role in developing new and existing talent within the growing leisure industry. As organisations continue on their digital journey, they can accelerate their understanding of, and adapt to, the evolving digital landscape by including digital apprenticeship learning programmes in their planning.

Organisations often have skills gaps in areas covered by NowSkills digital apprenticeships:

  • + Data Technicians and Data Analysts; where large quantities of data are analysed to produce reports on performance, trends or opportunities.
  • + Digital Marketers; where skills such as social media, image/video editing, email campaigns developing websites are essential to keep in touch with audiences and stakeholders.
  • + Infrastructure Technicians and Network Engineers; where organisations have an established computer networks, remote workers, security protocols and where day-to-day IT administration and planning is required.
a group of individuals doing yoga and enjoying their leisure time

Organisations may choose to enrol current employees onto a digital apprenticeship, or alternatively, they may need to recruit a new employee. If a new employee/digital apprentice is needed, NowSkills receives over 450 applications every month, from potential new apprentices who would potentially be very interested in a leisure industry digital apprenticeship.

We are proud to work with leading employers:

Interested in leisure apprenticeships?

NowSkills works with some leading leisure organisations to provide digital apprenticeships, but we want to make it clear that we are not a leisure apprenticeships provider. Therefore, if you are looking to hire a leisure apprentice, we recommend contacting a leisure apprenticeships specialist. However, if you are interested in enhancing your organisation’s IT capabilities, we offer first-class digital apprenticeship programmes. 

Is digital compatible with the leisure industry?

It’s not just specifically IT-related businesses that can employ digital apprentices, for example, almost every employer, including organisations in the leisure industry, has a relationship with technology, this may be through their website, social media, data analysis, finance teams, operations software or cyber security.

A large amount of careers within the technology economy exist within traditionally non-digital sectors. NowSkills offers Digital Marketing, Data Analysis, Business Analysis, and Network Engineering apprenticeships, which can all contribute to a leisure organisation’s success.

We’re here to support you

At NowSkills, we’re here to support employers. Please contact our Employer Engagement Team using one of the following methods:

Phone: 0345 556 4170 or complete our contact form here.