Congratulations! You have now successfully registered for an apprenticeship…

If you are successful you will be phoned within the next 7 working days.

(Please keep an eye on your phone, if you don’t answer after 3 attempts then you will be marked as no longer interested.)

If you aren’t successful on this occasion, don’t worry we have new roles every week and will contact you if one suitable comes up.

If you haven’t been contacted or have any further queries, please contact us on:

If you are successful you will be expected to complete an application pack:

How to complete your application pack:

What is an Application Pack? 

Here at NowSkills, we use application packs as an alternative to the traditional CV…

The purpose of this is to give everyone a level playing field, some people are better at creating CVs than others, so it gives everyone an equal opportunity to showcase their talent and enthusiasm. Within the application pack, there are specific questions based on the course you have decided to take. These questions are NOT a test, these questions are an opportunity for you to leave a great first impression, and show off your skillset and enthusiasm for your course and apprenticeship.

What do I do?

To complete your Application Pack, you simply fill in the boxes and answer the questions with as much detail as you can.

There is also an option to attach an introductory video, but this is not mandatory.

As soon as you have completed your Application Pack and returned it to our resourcing team via email, we can then arrange interviews for you in little than a week. 

Video Tutorial:

Watch our helpful getting started 6-minute video. The video shows you how to complete your application pack – any problems then email resourcing@nowskills – we will be happy to help.


The NowSkills Expert Series…

The latest live webinars brought to you by NowSkills…

What is the Expert Series?

The NowSkills Expert Series is an all-new live virtual webinar series that explores a series of hot topics within the digital & business world.

What’s the cost?

It’s free. All of our webinars in the series are free to end and are hosted live virtual via Zoom. 

Who are the experts?

The experts we welcome, come with an affirmed professional pedigree, ready to provide powerful real-world insight that they have gained from first-hand experience.

When are the webinars?

Every last Thursday of the month launching from the month of May 2022.

How do I book my place?

Using the links above, you can quickly select which webinars you would like to attend and secure your place by clicking the ‘reserve your place’ button.