NowSkills live events

NowSkills live events

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Data Strategy - S1 E1

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don’t want to. Full stop.

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Digital Marketing - S1 E2

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don’t want to. Full stop.

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Infrastructure Technician - S1 E3

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don’t want to. Full stop.

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Data Strategy - S1 E1

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don't want to. Full stop.

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Infrastructure Technician - S1 E3

This is a test aswell the same as epsiode 2 but this is episode 3. and I think that in opinion we should limit this part of text to 3 lines max and then... Read more

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Software Development - S1 E4

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don't want to. Full stop.

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Business Analyst - S2 E1

This is a test aswell the same as epsiode 2 but this is episode 3. and I think that in opinion we should limit this part of text to 3 lines max and then... Read more

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Advance by Analytics - S2 E2

This is a test webinar that will be streamed live from Zoom, and yeah we not doing it on Teams because we don't want to. Full stop.

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Bossing it in an interview - S2 E4

This is a test aswell the same as epsiode 2 but this is episode 3. and I think that in opinion we should limit this part of text to 3 lines max and then... Read more